Relief organization plans to provide 440 families with basic food supplies and tents

The international Christian relief organization Shelter Now is focusing its efforts to help the victims of the devastating floods in north-eastern Afghanistan on restoring the drinking water supply. In the district of Teshkan in the remote province of Badakshan, 440 affected families are also to receive basic foodstuffs, household utensils and hygiene products.

Torrential rainfall has repeatedly led to flooding in various regions of Afghanistan in recent weeks. According to UN figures, at least 350 people died in the north-eastern parts of the country alone and more than 1,600 were injured. In addition to the destruction of roads and bridges, many thousands lost their homes and livelihoods: farmland was washed away and livestock drowned.

In the district of Teshkan, all six villages were affected by the natural disaster, reports the German Shelter Now director Matthias Stechert. 230 houses were destroyed by mudslides and 670 families were left homeless. According to the report, Afghan authorities were able to resettle 230 families; Shelter Now is now helping those who still have no roof over their heads, says Stechert.

Following on-site investigations by a local team, the focus will be on providing drinking water by building wells or a water supply system, the Shelter Now director announced. Clean drinking water will reduce the spread of disease in the disaster area. The distribution of hygiene products such as hand soap and detergent also contributes to this.

In addition, the families are to receive a basic supply of flour, rice, beans, oil and salt as well as cooking pots, buckets, gas bottles, cooking spoons and bowls. The flood victims are given a temporary roof over their heads in 100 tents.


Brunswick, 4. June 2024

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