by Matthias Stechert | Jun 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
13 years ago, we started a project that we couldn’t have known at the time how successful it would become. We have introduced about a dozen farmers to the production of saffron. To do this, we had to give them the bulbs of saffron crocus, fertilizer and know-how...
by Matthias Stechert | Mar 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
People with disabilities are often socially excluded in some Central Asian countries. Thus, they have particular problems finding work to support their families. The pandemic has dramatically exacerbated this problem. Last summer we received a call for help: some of...
by Matthias Stechert | Mar 11, 2021 | Uncategorized
For the third winter now, we have been able to distribute fresh fruit to nearly 100 families each week. The vast majority of family members are children. The past two winters had already seen a massive drop in colds among children. The vitamin intake from the fresh...
by Matthias Stechert | Mar 8, 2021 | press release
Shelter Now supports therapy for young women from the Yezidi people “Zhian”, in English “life”, is the name of the new trauma therapy center in northern Iraq, which is sponsored by the international Christian relief organization Shelter Now and...
by Matthias Stechert | Feb 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
In english it means “life”. The new house, painted in fresh colors with bright rooms, has just been furnished with purpose. Two days a week, for four hours each, young women come to the center to find new perspectives for their lives. They are former...