by Matthias Stechert | Jul 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
The exciting return of Georg Taubmann after his hostage-taking and the reconstruction of Shelter Now development aid in Afghanistan Eberhard Mühlan with Georg Taubmann ZURÜCK IN KABUL (Back in Kabul) Only a few months after the deprivation-rich and dangerous...
by Matthias Stechert | May 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Almost 100 refugee Kurdish families receive poultry alive. This should give them more food security and thus greater independence. Great joy among the Eskid Kurdish refugees: Each family gets six chickens and as many geese, one male and five female animals each. Udo...
by Matthias Stechert | Jan 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Terror attack in Kabul – German aid worker murdered Last Saturday evening (January 20) terrorists attacked the Kabul Hotel Intercontinental. There were dead and injured. We are shocked and affected. Brigitte W., a long-time friend of ours, was also killed in...