Around 200 boys between the ages of 7 and 18 who have lost their parents due to war, illness or poverty live in an orphanage in Faizabad in northern Afghanistan. The Afghan government is struggling to provide sufficient food, hygiene products and heating material. To alleviate this plight, Shelter Now is supporting the orphanage, as it has done in previous years.
This includes the daily bread requirement, of which Shelter Now will cover around 40%. In addition, SNI will continue to fund the salaries of the widowed caregivers to ensure better and healthier care for the children. Instead, SNI will pay for the monthly cleaning of the building. In addition, SNI will continue to fund the salaries of the widowed caregivers to ensure better and healthier care for the children.
Our aim is to build a long-term relationship with the children and the orphanage staff that goes beyond material support. We want to show them that they are not alone.
Further articles can be found here.